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Meet Our Kids And Join Our Team Of Sponsors
Aron Ayele
Meet Aron, a cake-loving 18-year-old preparing for university.
Metsnanat Lale
Meet Metsnanat, a bubbly 8-month-old whose favorite food is milk.
Muse Barki
Meet Muse, a joyful 6-year-old who likes to eat pasta and learn English and Amharic.
Kerl Ayke
Meet Kerl, an avid basketball player who likes English.
Nawe Labuko
Meet Nawe, a book-loving 12-year old whose favorite subject is Amharic.
Musie Abraham
Meet Musie, a 15-year-old who enjoys reading and playing football.
Biniam Kona
Meet Biniam, and sports and social studies-loving nine-year-old.
Diyana Bulko
Meet Diyana, a seven-year-old who like reading books and playing football.
Roni Sebsibe
Meet Roni, who likes math and meat with injera best.
Nesanet Zelalem
Meet Nesanet, a 15-year-old who enjoys studying English best.
Melkam Lamita
Meet Melkam, a chemestry-loving 17-year-old.
Asegedech Wana
Meet Asegedech, an ambitious 19-year-old interested in medicine.
Leka Bito
Meet Leka, a lively five-year-old who enjoys drawing and playing football.
Kacha Shada
Meet Kacha, a six-year-old who loves arts and crafts.
Kacha Gemero
Meet Kacha, whose favorite food is bread and honey.
Tensia Gino
Meet Tensia, an eight-year-old who likes studying Amharic and eating sandwiches.
Dibora Haila
Meet Dibora, a mathematics-loving eight-year-old.
Endrias Demo
Meet Endrias, a nine-year-old who likes football and sandwiches.
Gedion Fora
Meet Gedion, a nine-year-old who enjoys arts and crafts.
Samson Aryo
Meet Samson, who enjoys sports and reading.
Ruth Bero
Meet Ruth, a rice and veggie-loving 11-year-old.
Jerusalem Zino
Meet Jerusalem, a lively 8-year-old who enjoys social studies.
Jessica Silbo
Meet Jessica, a 10-year-old who likes studying Amharic
Zelalem Zino
Meet Zelalem, whose favorite subject in school is math.
Yakob Wado
Meet Yakob, a social studies-loving 11-year-old.
Ayke Bashe
Meet Ayke, a 12-year-old whose favorite food is beans with injera.
Yeabsira Lale
Meet Yeabsira, a sports-loving 11-year-old.
Daniel Taye
Meet Daniel, who likes both basketball and football.
Shoma Bulko
Meet Shoma, a fun- and meat-loving 10-year-old.
Lale Chicha
Meet Lale, a 10-year-old who loves social studies.
Yosef Lale
Meet Yosef, an energetic 10-year-old who loves football.
Liyu Derge
Meet Liyu, whose favorite foods are eggs and injera.
Bodo Bali
Meet Bodo, whose favorite food is peanut butter and bread.
Abiy Garsho
Meet Abiy, who likes basketball and social studies.
Genet Taye
Meet Genet, who loves potatoes of all types and English.
Kulo Wele
Meet Kulo, a basketball and math-loving 15-year-old.
Irbo Kala
Meet Irbo, whose favorite hobbies are playing football and reading.
Mago Bito
Meet Mago, a fun 14-year-old who likes English and playing football.
Zino Karmi
Meet Zino, whose favorite subject in school is mathematics.
Terefe Gayto
Meet Terefe, a 13-year-old who loves eggs and injera.
Budo Delti
Meet Budo, a sandwich-loving 13 year old.
Musie Dikera
Meet Musie, whose likes sandwiches, math and football.
Musie Shoma
Meet Musie, a 13-year-old who loves civics and reading as well as a good game of football.
Kulo Dayina
Meet Kulo, a math and sandwich loving 14-year-old
Isak Wado
Meet Isak, who loves meat with injera, sports and reading.
Lukas Banko
Meet Lukas, a 11-year-old who likes basketball and beans.
Alma Marbo
Meet Alma, a veggie-loving 13-year-old whose favorite subject is math.
Labuko Ari
Meet Labuko, who loves arts and crafts, and football.
Abraham Kawa
Meet Abraham, a 13-year-old who loves football and English.
Hakimi Banko
Meet Hakimi, a bean and fun-loving 13-year-old.
Meet Kotsa, an energetic 14-year-old who enjoys reading and football.
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